Dor Gas Search


Founded in the late 1990s, Dor Gas Search has quickly established itself as a key player in Israel’s burgeoning natural gas industry. With a focus on exploration and production, the company has been instrumental in unlocking the country’s offshore energy potential and contributing to its energy security.

Pioneering Offshore Exploration

Dor Gas Search has been at the forefront of Israel’s offshore gas exploration efforts. The company’s skilled team of geologists and engineers has employed cutting-edge seismic technology to identify promising gas fields in the Eastern Mediterranean. Their most notable success came with the discovery of the Tamar gas field in 2009, which marked a turning point for Israel’s energy landscape.

The company’s expertise in deep-water drilling and production has allowed it to overcome significant technical challenges, establishing Dor Gas Search as a leader in offshore operations. Their commitment to safety and environmental stewardship has set new standards for the industry in the region.

Driving Economic Growth and Energy Independence

Beyond exploration, Dor Gas Search has played a crucial role in developing Israel’s natural gas infrastructure. The company has invested heavily in pipeline networks and processing facilities, ensuring that the gas discovered offshore can be efficiently delivered to domestic markets.

This infrastructure development has had far-reaching economic impacts. By providing a reliable source of domestic energy, Dor Gas Search has helped reduce Israel’s dependence on imported fuels, leading to lower electricity costs for consumers and improved competitiveness for Israeli industries. Additionally, the company’s operations have created thousands of high-skilled jobs, contributing to the growth of Israel’s tech-focused economy.


As Israel continues to expand its role as a regional energy player, Dor Gas Search remains at the heart of this transformation. Through its innovative exploration techniques, commitment to infrastructure development, and focus on economic impact, the company is well-positioned to shape the future of Israel’s energy sector. As new challenges and opportunities emerge in the global energy landscape, Dor Gas Search’s expertise and vision will likely be crucial in ensuring Israel’s continued energy security and economic prosperity.