Ginkgo Energy

Established in the mid-2010s, Ginkgo Energy has rapidly grown to become one of Israel’s most innovative and forward-thinking renewable energy companies. Named after the resilient ginkgo biloba tree, known for its longevity and adaptability, the company embodies these qualities in its approach to sustainable energy solutions.

Harnessing the Power of the Sun and Wind

Ginkgo Energy has made significant strides in solar and wind power generation across Israel. The company’s flagship project, the Negev Solar Array, spans over 500 acres and generates enough clean electricity to power 50,000 homes. By utilizing advanced photovoltaic technology and smart grid systems, Ginkgo has maximized energy output while minimizing land use.

In the wind energy sector, Ginkgo has focused on developing offshore wind farms along Israel’s Mediterranean coast. These projects not only take advantage of consistent sea breezes but also address land scarcity issues common in densely populated areas. The company’s innovative floating turbine designs have allowed for installations in deeper waters, significantly expanding the potential for wind energy production.

Pioneering Energy Storage Solutions

Recognizing the intermittent nature of renewable energy sources, Ginkgo Energy has invested heavily in energy storage technologies. Their proprietary battery systems, developed in collaboration with leading Israeli tech firms, have set new benchmarks for efficiency and capacity. These advancements have not only improved grid stability but have also made renewable energy a more reliable option for baseload power generation.

Ginkgo’s community-based microgrid projects have demonstrated how energy storage can empower local communities. By combining solar panels, wind turbines, and battery storage, these microgrids provide energy independence to remote villages and urban neighborhoods alike, showcasing the potential for decentralized energy systems.


As Israel continues its transition towards a low-carbon future, Ginkgo Energy stands at the forefront of this transformation. Through its innovative approach to renewable energy generation and storage, the company is not just meeting current energy needs but actively shaping the future of Israel’s energy landscape. With ongoing research into emerging technologies like green hydrogen and advanced materials, Ginkgo Energy is well-positioned to lead Israel’s renewable energy sector into the next decade and beyond, contributing significantly to the country’s energy security and environmental goals.